I have 6 vocal tracks ("Vox1", "Vox2"... "Vox6") that I'm sending to a stereo pair ("VoxAll")with a reverb on it. All six have the audio routed to "none", while VoxAll is routed to audio out. I thought that pulling the volume of VoxAll to 0 would mean I wouldn't hear any of the vocals, but I do hear the dry vocals. When I try muting Vox1-6, I get nothing from VoxAll. Am I just misunderstanding what's supposed to happen? How do I only get the output from VoxAll without the individual tracks?
Hmm, I can do that here, I believe. Maybe it helps if you upload a project file (with just the tracks involved in the routing and without audio items to keep it small). Then we could have a look and maybe find a solution.
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A little more detail... actually, when I set the hardware output to "None" on Vox 1-6, I still hear the individual tracks without the reverb I put on 'VoxAll'. When I set each of the 6 hardware outputs to "Audio 1/2", I then hear a louder version with reverb.
Open the I/O window of each stem track and untick 'Master/parent send. That is the path connecting your track directly to the master. Another method would be using pre-fader sends and adjusting the volumes with the send faders. But the easiest way would be to have the VoxAll track above the stem tracks and make it a folder containing your stem tracks. These will be routed through the Folder track making it a subgroup, which is just what you want. Drag the VoxAll track up so it's track#1, then click the folder icon of it (next right of the trackname field), so you make it a folder (tooltip of that icon sais "track is folder") then you click on the same icon on your last stem track so that it sais "track is last track of folder". (the folder icon toggles three ways: off, folder, last track in folder) EDIT: As far as I understand it, the 'hardware output' is an additional route to the Master/Parent route. You leave it to none as long as you don't want the track to output directly on an additional hardware output (to drive external FX or to make a submix 'out of the box'). Setting it to the same hardware out as your master channel is routed to will double the signal (when Master/Parent is ticked). I am not totally clear about Master/Parent, but this is the direct connection to the Master channel strip in Reaper's mixer. Btw, your setup is exactly how you would setup an FX bus in Reaper. There the behaviour you've seen is wanted, as you want to mix the direct signal of the tracks with the wet FX signal of the FX bus. You'd setup the FX dry/wet balance to full wet in that case.