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need help with ezdrummer




main user

Messages: 231
Registration: 03.04.2009

hi all, i just got ezdrummer today and after installing it, i cant seem to get any sounds from it when i open it up in reaper. the plug loaded fine and everything seems to be working as it should EXCEPT when you click on a drum theres no sound. what could be wrong here? thanks ahead

Message # 1 09.12.22 - 01:51:40
RE: need help with ezdrummer


main user

Messages: 17
Registration: 18.07.2005

On my machine the AUi EZDrummer has also no sound. The VSTi (named Dfh Sampler) is working.

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Message # 2 09.12.22 - 01:57:11
RE: need help with ezdrummer


main user

Messages: 8
Registration: 24.10.2009

ok so after much deliberation and working with the damn thing, i finally got my sounds working, but NOW how do you program beats in the midi to load into reaper? anyone?

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Message # 3 09.12.22 - 02:08:45
RE: need help with ezdrummer

Siyka Aneko

main user

Messages: 1153
Registration: 23.08.2008

If the EZD VST is on your midi track you just program your drum file. Or just drag & drop a midi file out of EZD onto your track. Or both. Cheers, M

Message # 4 09.12.22 - 02:18:33
RE: need help with ezdrummer


main user

Messages: 108
Registration: 08.05.2011

ah ok, i think i have part of it now. ive got it to where i can set up a midi pattern and swap samples out pretty easy. just gotta get used to using midi. its kind of a pain.

Message # 5 09.12.22 - 02:28:45
RE: need help with ezdrummer


main user

Messages: 8
Registration: 13.11.2009

it's pretty easy actually. open a midi track, put on EZD, switch to prefered viewing mode and load the right drum map which you'll find here in the forum (i guess it's pop/rock in your case?) ... Cheers, M

Message # 6 09.12.22 - 02:36:17
RE: need help with ezdrummer


main user

Messages: 146
Registration: 24.02.2009

hmm how do you switch to the preferred viewing mode? and drum maps? sorry ive been using reaper for a while, just havent really ever used midi that much and ive never really had the software or live drummer to mess with drums at all.

Message # 7 09.12.22 - 02:45:56
RE: need help with ezdrummer

main user

Messages: 51
Registration: 15.03.2012

Hi Brandon, I too was a long time Reaper user who just started with EZD and MIDI a month or so ago. Lets see if I can help. I'm not really sure what moio means by the Prefered Viewing mode, but since he mentions the Drum Map I will assume he means the midi editor. (sorry moio if I am off base here). Obviously you found how to drag the clips from the EZD and drag them into your Reaper project, very cool huh? Hopefully you see that you can drag that clip out for as many measures as you want it to play. Now on the editing. If you double click the midi item it will open the Reaper MIDI editor. You should see your events spread across the screen with little velocity handles (how hard the drum is hit). Lets say you want a single cymbal hit in the middle of that one clip. Here is how the drum map helps you. Go here and grab the Drum Maps (and track templates) for EZD. (You do not need the note name editor mentioned, that was earlier version of Reaper). Now when you open the midi editor, go to file/load note names from file. Pick the EZD Pop/Rock drum map. Now the drum names on the left hand side will correspond to the hits. Note if you click on the drum name itself it will play the hit (further left softer, further right louder). Now if you want that cymbal hit, just click on the grid where you want to hit to happen on the same row as the cymbal you want and you are a midi editing animal! Go nuts, have fun it is a whole new world. Oh by the way, I think this section of the forum (Reaper OS X) is really focused on different operating systems for Reaper, but no real harm. Hopefully this helps you.

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Message # 8 09.12.22 - 02:56:29
RE: need help with ezdrummer


main user

Messages: 719
Registration: 29.01.2006

yes, sorry, the midi editor was what I was talking about. left out one step.

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Message # 9 09.12.22 - 03:06:29
RE: need help with ezdrummer


main user

Messages: 28
Registration: 29.10.2010

big woody that was exactly what i needed man. that helps out SOOO much except theres no template for drum kit from hell which is mainly what im using but its cool still. thatll save a lot of time instead of having to constantly click through everything trying to find what im looking for.

Message # 10 09.12.22 - 03:15:24
RE: need help with ezdrummer
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