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Rendering/low volume level problems




main user

Messages: 64
Registration: 08.11.2009

Not sure if this should be in the Newbie section or not. If so, apologies... I am having problems with volume drop outs with my final rendered sound file. I usually mix all my levels pretty low (about -10db) and when I am happy with the mix, I push the master up as far as I can and render. I'm trying to render a 24 bit .aiff or .wav file. The final result has a significant volume dropout and I'm not sure why. Is there some sort of calibration or settings I need to check? Any help greatly appreciated. Cheers, Mike. Melbourne.

Message # 1 09.02.24 - 03:27:34
RE: Rendering/low volume level problems


main user

Messages: 39
Registration: 27.06.2005

Im so glad you said that cause I get the same problem. My workaround is to just push all the track faders up. It worked for me it kind of sucks. Can Somebody please answer this cause it really bothers me.

Message # 2 09.02.24 - 03:33:24
RE: Rendering/low volume level problems


main user

Messages: 1630
Registration: 06.07.2012

Check the master channel volume. Maybe a limiter on it. I use JS:LOSER/masterlimiter and no dropouts Bye

Я хочу увидеть, что произойдет, если я не сдамся
Message # 3 09.02.24 - 03:38:07
RE: Rendering/low volume level problems

happy lady

main user

Messages: 383
Registration: 12.12.2010

Wow, that wasn't very much help. Thanks for tryin though.

Message # 4 09.02.24 - 03:44:17
RE: Rendering/low volume level problems


main user

Messages: 9
Registration: 18.04.2005

Do you mean the volume randomly 'drops out' to zero, or just the rendered mix is low in volume overall on playback? And where does your master fader sit at while mixing, down 10db too? Dan

Message # 5 09.02.24 - 03:52:41
RE: Rendering/low volume level problems
need help with ezdrummer : Previous topicNext topic: Kjaerhus classic reverb
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