need help with ezdrummer » X-Books » FORUM


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need help with ezdrummer




main user

Messages: 36
Registration: 28.10.2009

Really glad to have helped. There IS a drum Map for the Drum Kit From Hell in that zip file, make sure you unzipped the whole file. I have the Kit From Hell as well as the Vintage Kit. I am more of a classic rock guy, so I don't use the From Hell kit very much but every now and then to have a big sweep of all those toms and cymbals is really cool. BTW have you noticed that you can mix and match loops from any group to any kit. What I mean is that if you like a basic pattern that came with the Pop/Rock kit you can choose it when you have the DKFH loaded. Now mind you there will be no hits for all the extra toms and cymbs, but now you know how to edit and add so you are all set. Also, I have been looking at . They have loops that drop right into EZD, looks like their Metal and Power Rock collections are pretty reasonable at $29 each. You can download a pretty good set of samples for free from their website. Now not to overload you, but in that same zip file are Track Templates for Reaper. Start a new project and right click the track area and load the DKFH track template. This routes separate track output from EZD into individual tracks in Reaper. Yikes more to think about and mess with already! You are gonna dig it thou, it give you the ability to put effects on individual drums and control volumes and pans without opening the mixer in EZD.

Message # 11 09.12.22 - 03:19:34
RE: need help with ezdrummer


main user

Messages: 233
Registration: 11.11.2004

oh man thats what ive been doing already. haha yeah i couldnt figure it out and i got someone to help me and he showed me how to load everything in as 8 separate tracks so i could do effects and eqing on each track. but yeah i definitely need to check out that site and get some more midi patterns. i really need to sit down with the midi editing and just plow through it, its just so time consuming though. at least it gives me something to play guitar and bass to. most of my stuff is sort of drum driven, or at least in certain parts. if i can get something finished maybe next week or the week after ill make a post and see what everyone thinks about it. i always like getting critiques.

Message # 12 09.12.22 - 03:28:10
RE: need help with ezdrummer
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