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Kjaerhus classic reverb



Julia the best

main user

Messages: 5
Registration: 17.02.2010

Perhaps you could compress a simple problem project file into a ZIP file and post it here as an attachment so we can have a look at it and see what's (not) happening? In XP, right-click the project file, select Send To ... compressed (Zipped) folder). drag any other media files into the Zipped folder file, when you reply, scroll down a bit, open the "Additional Options" section if needed by clicking the double downwards arrows, click on [Manage Attachments], browse to your ZIP file, select and Upload it.

Message # 11 06.08.22 - 13:33:28
RE: Kjaerhus classic reverb


main user

Messages: 43
Registration: 04.09.2009

Sorry, can't repro: Loading the mentioned plugins: Deleting them again:

Макияж. Татуаж. Наращивание ресниц. Коррекция бровей. Обучение0632574134
Message # 12 06.08.22 - 13:37:48
RE: Kjaerhus classic reverb


main user

Messages: 181
Registration: 24.07.2007

I'm driving crazy and mad ;-) 

Жить нельзя, надеясь на счастливый случай
Message # 13 06.08.22 - 13:46:40
RE: Kjaerhus classic reverb


main user

Messages: 4
Registration: 17.11.2005

That's one of my favorite reverbs, and I've never had trouble with it on my ancient "pre-core" 2 ghz Celeron. Which figures, because I'm thinking I'm finally going to be able to upgrade to a dual-core computer soon: "I'm not going to be able to use Kjaerhaus Classic with the new computer...????" Uhg.

Я научилась просто, мудро жить,Смотреть на небо и молиться Богу... А. Ахматова
Message # 14 06.08.22 - 13:53:25
RE: Kjaerhus classic reverb


main user

Messages: 15
Registration: 24.05.2011

My screenshots above are from a moderate mobile C2D computer, no worries about that.

Message # 15 06.08.22 - 14:01:21
RE: Kjaerhus classic reverb


main user

Messages: 62
Registration: 21.02.2010

When a plugin gives problems, a good way to know if the problem is related to the host or not, is using it through a wrapper. By example, load Phrazor, or chainer, and then load The Kjaerhus Reverb inside of it. Look if you have the issues with the CPU and the sound, and report back. luck!

Message # 16 06.08.22 - 14:08:32
RE: Kjaerhus classic reverb


main user

Messages: 8199
Registration: 17.08.2005

A simple test can be done by opening an empty project and adding a track with the offending FX in it - nothing else. Then take a look at the CPU usage.

They may forget what you said, but they will never forget how you made them feel.
Message # 17 06.08.22 - 14:18:51
RE: Kjaerhus classic reverb

slu 777

main user

Messages: 1
Registration: 03.12.2010

Exactly. KJ classic reverb is a light weight verb and should cause no such problems. Sounds like something is screwy within your computer, not reaper or the plug itself. Crackels and such points to buffer settings and if you need extra buffering for CLASSIC, there's something not good going on with your computer. You could even have a look at all the anticipative preference settings in reaper setup and see which ones might help. It could just be a setting that's configured to work against you, at the moment. There's a LOT of preference settings in reaper, which is a good thing- and at the same time an annoying thing. Just more fiddling to go through at times. But for a plug like classic?! Seems strange to me. Frankly, I have a love/hate relationship with computers and software daws. I hate all the bullshit it opens up, but I love all the options it opens up. Annoying as all hell, but worthy. Good luck with that plugin. Dan

Message # 18 06.08.22 - 14:26:02
RE: Kjaerhus classic reverb


main user

Messages: 1
Registration: 28.01.2010

everything is fine 

Message # 19 06.08.22 - 14:31:18
RE: Kjaerhus classic reverb
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