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FX browser starting folder




main user

Messages: 33
Registration: 15.11.2009

It always seems to start on "Instruments" when I load it - any way to make it start on my Favourites or another folder? (Also another question - can I set a default zoom amount for all tracks?)

Message # 1 29.04.23 - 12:59:32
RE: FX browser starting folder


main user

Messages: 8
Registration: 11.10.2007

Not sure but you can maybe solve both by loading the empty project (Start->Programs->Reaper->"Create new project"), setting it up the way you want and hitting "Save as default project settings" in File->Project settings.

Туфли Joan David Collection - 10 разм.
Message # 2 29.04.23 - 13:08:03
RE: FX browser starting folder


main user

Messages: 2471
Registration: 10.09.2006

That solves the zoom one but not the fx folder one :)

Ремонт мобильных, планшетов и др. электроники. Тел. моб.viber 096-014-51-87 Skype: xsmc39 Сергей.
Message # 3 29.04.23 - 13:12:27
RE: FX browser starting folder


main user

Messages: 8
Registration: 19.12.2009

Yeah I thought so... I just can't find out where it stores the position of the folder, apparently it stores it since here it always opens on "all plugins" but returns to the last used category after that. I searched all the ini files but this time it doesn't seem to be as obvious as usual. :) I'll search more later...

Message # 4 29.04.23 - 13:21:05
RE: FX browser starting folder

Olga i Michelle

main user

Messages: 33
Registration: 09.03.2009

Yeah I had a look at fxfolders.ini but can't see if it refers to start position anywhere

Message # 5 29.04.23 - 13:28:31
RE: FX browser starting folder


main user

Messages: 3205
Registration: 16.07.2008

Oh I've just realised it probably starts in Instruments because I always tend to start a track with the add instrument track command :) I still wish it would start on Favourites though

Message # 6 29.04.23 - 13:37:33
RE: FX browser starting folder
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