My friend is good friends with one of the Digidesign Reps. He says it won't be here untill the End of MARCH!! If it gets here berfore then I will be real happy!
Hmmm? I have this beautiful Macintosh computer with OSX running like a dream- but unfortunately (or fortunately, depending on your perspective) I'm an audio geek that wants to run an audio application on the Mac with OSX. I'm a patient guy...When are audio apps available again for OSX? I just wanna use what I have sitting here for audio- that's what I do. PS. Maybe I have been swept away in all the hype surrounding a release for OSX. Signing off (national anthem playing in background).
I think you are wrong... Digidesign is already scheduling local "tours" of 6.0. I'm scheduled for Feb 11th. I have never seen them do this (other than at a trade show) when they weren't prepared to sell AND SHIP units at the end of the show. I.e. the LE road show with the 001 and 002 didn't come around until I could buy a 002. So... I'd drop the pessamism and expect it soon. -t
--------------------- 2000 M Coupe, TCK coilovers, BBS RK.
Oh, come ON!!! Don't tell me you don't know about THIS SITE???? If you've never heard of it before, I'm glad to introduce you to the land of the enlightened. Welcome to your new start page -MG
--------------------- Estoril/Modena '97 M3...sold for the second time. ------------------------------------ You only live once, and I'm running out of time...
Hello Slangification, Thanks for the link--that answers the question on what's currently available (in audio) for OSX. I tried "Deck", for something to play with, but got bored quick - I will have to try the others. Your right, it would be great to use our Digidesign hardware with these apps and, of course, PT.6 Thanks again!
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